Mira estos videos de 30 segundos
180 degree jump squats
Abdominal stretch
Adductor stretch
Adductor stretch left
Adductor stretch right
Alternate heel stretches
Alternate pike push ups
Arm cicles
Back rotations
180 degree jump squats
Back rotations left
Back rotations right
Bear crawls
Bend and reach
Bent leg twists
Biceps stretch
Biceps stretch left
Biceps stretch right
Bridge pose
Bulgarian split squat
Bulgarian split squat left
Bulgarian split squat right
Burpee with side plank rotation
Butterfly hip raises
Butt kickers
Butt ups
Buzz saw Planks
Calf rises
Calf stretch
Calf stretch left
Calf stretch right
Chair knee pull
Chair squats
Diamond push up